Theories Debunked
Various pseudo-legal theories have made their way around the internet. Here's a list of some we've investigated.
Is the United States still under Lincoln's martial law from the civil war?
Did the 14th amendment limit the rights of State citizens?
Is there a right to travel by automobile in the United States?
Is the United States a for-profit corporation, like McDonald's?
Is filing a commercial lien a good way to enforce rights?
Ideas for future articles
Based on population and statistics, is police violence out of control in the US? [No, there's about a 0.0005% chance you'll be killed by a cop in a given year.]
Can individuals use 12 USC 95(a)(2) to discharge debt? [No, these are emergency banking powers only for the President.]
Is there a difference between legal and lawful? Is there a duality in the system? [No, there is only one system and the same laws apply to everyone. Courts use the terms interchangeably.]
Was the real US Constitution replaced with a fake or corporate one? [No, there is only one hand-written constitution that everyone uses and cannot be ignored. You can view it in high-res here. You can see exactly how the courts interpret constitutional rights in many places, such as in publications about law, public court decisions, etc. Nothing any branch of government does, short of following the proper amendment procedure, can change or supersede the Constitution.]
Is the Federal Reserve private, foreign and unaccountable to the US? [No, it was created by Congress via the Federal Reserve Act and Congress can amend or repeal the Act if it wants to. The President and Senate maintain a degree of control and influence over the banks, including choosing and confirming board members. Shareholders of each particular reserve bank are required to be local to its area of influence. The vast majority of profits are returned to the federal US Treasury.]
Is modern, fractional reserve, central banking and fiat currency a new concept developed in the 1930's? Is it dangerous? [No, it developed in the 16th and 17th centuries responding to the needs of commerce and stable government.]
What is a natural person? Can I appear in law without a person? [A natural person is a man in law. Whether a man has a birth certificate or is stateless, if he appears in law individually it's as a natural person. It is the only way the system can view or interact with him.]
Is the Constitution copyrighted? [The Constitution isn't copyrighted, per se, because there's no law at that level to copyright it under. Outside of nation-states, there's no law but your own (that nobody cares about). If you want a nation-state to care about your version of law, start a nation in accordance with public international law, build up some economic and military power and form treaties or declare war.]
If you "lose the name" do you win the game? [Not representing the name on the birth certificate does not necessarily make you invisible to law. Even as a stateless individual without a birth certificate you can still be seen in law as a natural person subject to the local nation-state.]
If you would like us to consider another theory, please post a comment!